by Shahalamol R | Oct 24, 2023 | Latest, Sendmail, Server Management
Configuration of Sendmail in RHEL 8 involves the following steps in this article. At Bobcares, with our Server Management Service, we can handle your Sendmail issues. Configuration of Sendmail in RHEL 8 In order to properly set up and secure the email server, we must...
by Manu Menon | Mar 24, 2023 | Latest, Server Management
Let us learn more about the error zimbra email forwarding not working. With the support of our Server management support services at Bobcares we will now learn how remove the error. Error: zimbra email forwarding not working Several firms use Zimbra email server...
by Manu Menon | Mar 20, 2023 | Latest, Plesk
Let us look at how to setup dkim in plesk. With the support of our Plesk support services at Bobcares we will now learn how to remove the error. Setup dkim in plesk? Access the Plesk Panel. Go to Tools & Settings > Mail Server Settings and then to the DKIM spam...
by Manu Menon | Oct 30, 2022 | Latest, Server Management
Let us learn how to archive email in Zimbra. At Bobcares our Server management support services can take you through all of the configuration procedures easily. What is Zimbra email archiving? The act of moving emails from the inbox to a specified folder...
by Nicky Mathew | Mar 7, 2021 | Latest, Server Administration, Technical Support
Wondering how to secure a mail server? We can help you. As we all know, the current world is alive through emails. If one day this stops, we will face a serious problem. It is quite common for people to exploit mail servers. Unfortunately, the same system that...
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