How to Install Softaculous DirectAdmin?

Let us learn how to install softaculous directadmin with the support of our DirectAdmin support services at Bobcares. Requirements to install Softaculous DirectAdmin Make sure to have the following to set this up: We need root rights or access to a user with Sudo...

VULTR Expand Disk: How to Setup?

Let us look at how to vultr expand disk. With the support of our Vultr support managed services at Bobcares we will now learn how to set this feature up. How to expand vultr disk? Vultr is a cloud computing service company that provides a wide range of services,...

Issue A Reindex in Magento: How to?

Let us take a closer look at how to issue a reindex in Magento. With the support of our Magento support services at Bobcares we can give you a complete guide on how to disable it. Method 1 to issue a reindex in Magento: Using the Admin Panel Follow the steps given...

Generate SSH Key Linode: How to?

Let us look at how to generate ssh key linode. With the support of our Linode support services at Bobcares, we can give you a complete overview of how to generate the key. Generate SSH key linode We may generate an SSH key for Linode by following these steps: Open the...