by Visakh S | May 5, 2018 | Server Administration
“If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” It’s a common sense advice, and many IT managers use this to explain why their infrastructure isn’t virtualized yet. Server virtualization technologies have been around for more than a decade now,...
by Reeshma Mathews | Jan 25, 2016 | Server Administration
“Noisy neighbors” are customers who use up more than their fair share of resources in a virtualized server. Such over-use of resources (aka resource hogging) affects server performance, especially if a VPS provider runs high-density servers. Though server...
by Reeshma Mathews | Jan 12, 2016 | ovirt, Server Administration, Technical Support, VMware, WordPress, WordPress Hosting
Surveys indicate that 70% of online businesses adopt server virtualization solutions to reduce their costs [1]. But many times, the virtualization software costs outweigh this cost-benefit. That is where open source server virtualization technologies make a...
by Visakh S | Jan 9, 2016 | Server Management
As a server management company, we are often consulted by online service providers for a variety of business decisions – which technology to use, what hardware to deploy, how to keep the system profitable, etc. Profitability of a hosting company or an IaaS...
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