by Lakshmi Vijayakumar | Dec 26, 2018 | Technical Support
Email errors are quite irritating, especially if they are abstruse like this “554 invalid DNS PTR resource record”. Here, the error message shows that the recipient rejects the email because of the invalid PTR record. But, what’s this PTR record? Do...
by Visakh S | Oct 21, 2018 | Server Management
These days, you can get a server from AWS or Google Cloud within 1 hour. The trouble is, these servers will have Linux as the operating system by default, which is a tough nut to crack for people who are familiar only with Windows or iOS. Here at Bobcares, we help web...
by Visakh S | Oct 4, 2018 | Server Administration
Here at, we provide Outsourced Tech Support to web hosting providers. As part of our service, we resolve email errors posted by hosting users. A common email bounce error we see in VPS and Shared servers is: The rejected e-mail address was...
by Visakh S | Jan 23, 2015 | Technical Support
“Logs from alpha-p3 is missing!” We were responding to an issue raised by an onsite technician for a data center we managed. System logs from one server was missing in the central log server. It looked like the Rsyslog service that was used for central...
by Visakh S | Jan 23, 2015 | Server Administration
It was a peaceful night shift at a data center we managed. Just a few routine server provisioning and customer queries were keeping us occupied. Suddenly all alarm bells started ringing. 25+ managed server instances had gone offline, and the alert priority was among...
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