How to Catch a MySQL Error in a Bash Script

Learn how to catch a MySQL error in a Bash Script. Our MySQL Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. How to Catch a MySQL Error in a Bash Script Catching MySQL errors in a Bash script plays a big role in detecting and handling issues when...

How to Call “mysql.rds_skip_repl_error?”

How to call the “mysql.rds_skip_repl_error” procedure? We’ll discuss the detailed steps in this latest blog. At Bobcares, with our MySQL Support, we can handle your issues. Overview Calling the “mysql.rds_skip_repl_error” Procedure Steps...

MySQLdump Crontab Empty file | Troubleshooting

Learn how to deal with the MySQLdump Crontab Empty file error. Our MySQL Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. MySQLdump Crontab Empty file | Troubleshooting Everything seems to be working OK when you run a bash script that uses...

MySQL Error 1045 28000 | Resolved

The MySQL error 1045 (28000) signifies that accessing the database from localhost is not permitted. At Bobcares, with our MySQL Support Service, we can handle your issues. MySQL error 1045 (28000): Troubleshooting We are not authorised to access the database from...