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How to add PostGIS extension to PostgreSQL Docker

by | Nov 10, 2023

Learn how to add PostGIS extension to PostgreSQL using Docker. Our PostgreSQL Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

How to add PostGIS extension to PostgreSQL Docker

Are you ready to install PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extension and PgAdmin 4 via Docker?

Our experts have put together this handy guide to help you out:

  1. Docker Installation
  2. PostgreSQL 12 Installation
  3. PgAdmin 4 Installation
  4. Configure PgAdmin 4

1. Docker Installation

To begin with, we have to head to the official Docker website and download the Docker Desktop for our operating system. Then, run the installation. It is a simple process that gets us started for our PostgreSQL and PostGIS setup.

2. PostgreSQL 12 Installation

Now, it is time to install PostgreSQL 12 with the PostGIS extension.

How to add PostGIS extension to PostgreSQL Docker

  1. First, open a terminal and create a local folder.
  2. Then, create a Docker volume and mount it in this folder as seen here:

    docker volume create --driver local –name=pgvolume

  3. Now, it is time to set up environment parameters by creating a file named `pg-env.list` and add our configurations and save the file.
  4. After that, we have to create a network bridge to connect PostgreSQL 12 and PgAdmin 4 containers.

    docker network create --driver bridge pgnetwork

  5. Then, run the PostgreSQL Docker container by pulling the required image as seen here:

    docker run --publish 5432:5432 --volume=pgvolume:/pgdata --env-file=pg-env.list --name=postgres --hostname=postgres --network=pgnetwork --detach crunchydata/crunchy-postgres-gis:centos7–12.5–3.0–4.5.1

This will take some time, but after completion, we will have a fully functional PostgreSQL database with PostGIS.

3. PgAdmin 4 Installation

  1. To begin with, create a Docker volume for PgAdmin 4:

    docker volume create --driver local –name=pga4volume

  2. Now, create a file named `pgadmin-env.list` and add our settings.
  3. After that, run the PgAdmin 4 Docker container by pulling the necessary image:

    docker run --publish 5050:5050 --volume=pga4volume:/var/lib/pgadmin --env-file=pgadmin-env.list --name=pgadmin4 --hostname=pgadmin4 --network=pgnetwork --detach crunchydata/crunchy-pgadmin4:centos7–12.5–4.5.1

4. Configure PgAdmin 4

Now, it is time to open our browser and head to `localhost:5050`.

We can log in with the credentials mentioned in `pgadmin-env.list`.

After logging in, we have to create a server. Then pass the ports, username, and password we created during the PostgreSQL installation.

Alternatively, we can do this:

  1. First, make sure we have a running PostgreSQL Docker container.
  2. Then, get the PostGIS Docker image and stop the running PostgreSQL container.
  3. After that, we have to create a new container that links our PostgreSQL container with the PostGIS extension as seen here:

    sudo docker run -d --name postgis_postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgrespassword -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -v /path/to/local/folder:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 8000:8000 kartoza/postgis:9.6-2.4

  4. Now, we can enter the running container:

    sudo docker exec -it postgis_postgres bash

  5. After that, link to the PostgreSQL console admin:

    psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres

  6. Finally, we can create the PostGIS extension:

    postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

After the above steps, we have successfully set up a development environment with PostgreSQL, PostGIS, and PgAdmin 4 using Docker.

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In brief, our Support Experts demonstrated how to add a PostGIS extension to PostgreSQL using Docker.


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