Let us take a look at how to remove the error OpenLiteSpeed is functioning normally. With the support of our Litespeed support services at Bobcares we will now learn how to remove this error.
Error: OpenLiteSpeed is functioning normally
The ‘OpenLiteSpeed is operating correctly’ problem usually occurs when we use the free Open Source ‘LiteSpeed’ webserver. We can use this webserver for specific sites that do not update regularly.
This is because each new.htaccess file requires a restart of OpenLiteSpeed. After adding a new domain or subdomain, we can simply restart the ‘Litespeed’ webserver in Directadmin by going to Dashboard >> Display Services (Admin Privilege).
- Go to http://user server ip:2222/ to access Directadmin.
- Set the ‘User’ Permission to ‘Admin’.
- Go to Dashboard / Display Services.
- There is ‘litespeed’ service there. Click (+) and then ‘Restart.’
Please keep in mind that if we are using Cloudflare as a nameserver, we must use the right A record for the domain and that we must ‘Purge’ the cache after making the aforementioned changes using the Cloudflare Dashboard.
If you want to set up a cronjob to reload OpenLiteSpeed every X minutes if there are newer.htaccess files than the start time of OpenLiteSpeed, use a cronjob like (*/3 represents every 3 minutes, you may alter it to happen less/more frequently):
We can use the /etc/cron.d/openlitespeed htaccess scan to construct a cronjob.
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To sum up we have now seen OpenLiteSpeed is functioning normally. With the support of our Litespeed support services at Bobcares, we have now gone through the whole setup process.
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