
Installing OCI8 on RHEL

by | Mar 8, 2022

Installing OCI8 on RHEL with this handy guide will be a breeze.

At Bobcares, we offer solutions for every query, big and small, as a part of our Server Management Services.

Let’s take a look at how our Support Team is ready to help customers with Installing OCI8 on RHEL.

All about installing OCI8 on RHEL

If using PHP to connect to an Oracle database is on the horizon, it is essential to install OCI8. It is a pecl extension for Oracle. Although we can also utilize PDO_OCI, many users have trouble getting it to work with Oracle. This is why our Support Techs recommend installing OCI8.

  1. First, we have to stop Apache with the following command:
    sudo service httpd stop
  2. Then, head to this link and choose the link for our specific Linux architecture.
  3. Next, click the Accept License Agreement radio button and download the basic and devel RPMs. Then transfer them to the RHEL.
  4. Now, run these commands to install the RPMs:
    sudo rpm -Uvh oracle-instantclient12.1-basic*
    sudo rpm -Uvh oracle-instantclient12.1-devel*
  5. After that, we have to set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable as seen below:
    cd ~
    vi .bashrc
    export ORACLE_HOME
  6. The next step involves installing pecl with the following command:
    sudo yum install php70u-pear php70u-devel
  7. Finally, install OCI8 with the command below:
    pecl install oci8

    Our Support Techs recommend observing the output carefully and ensuring no errors have occurred.

Verifying the OCI8 Installation

After installing OCI8, we have to edit the PHP config file in order to add the compiled file:

sudo vi /etc/php.ini

We also have to add “” to the bottom of the file. According to our Support Team, we can verify OCI8 installation by restarting Apache with this command:

sudo service httpd restart

Then, we have to create a phpinfo() file in the Apache Document root folder in order to access it through a web browser. Now, all we have to do is open a browser and search for “oci8”.

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In brief, our skilled Support Engineers at Bobcares demonstrated how to install OCI8 on RHEL.


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