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How to setup Alertmanager on Kubernetes

by | Dec 15, 2022

Are you wondering how to setup Alertmanager on Kubernetes? Our Server Management Support team is here to lend a hand with your queries and issues.

How to setup Alertmanager on Kubernetes

Alertmanager setup includes the following key configurations:

  • Config Map for AlertManager alert templates
  • Config map for AlertManager configuration
  • Alert Manager Kubernetes Deployment
  • Alert Manager service to access the web UI.

In order to set up Alertmanager on Kubernetes, we need to have a working Prometheus up and running.

Prometheus needs to have the correct alert manager service endpoint in the config.yaml file in order to send the alert to Alert Manager.

Furthermore, the alerting rules on Prometheus config have to be based on our needs. These are created as part of the Prometheus config map with prometheus.rules file and then added to the config.yaml.

Additionally, Alert manager alerts are written as per the metrics we receive on Prometheus.

Guide: Setup Alertmanager on Kubernetes

Next, we have to clone the GitHub repository with the following command:

git clone

Alert Manager accesses its configuration from config.yaml file. This file contains the configuration of the alert template path, email, as well as other alert-receiving configurations.

Here, we will use email and slack webhook receivers. Now, we have to create a file named AlertManagerConfigmap.yaml and then copy the content seen at this link.

Then, we will create the config map via kubectl as seen here:

kubectl create -f AlertManagerConfigmap.yaml

Next, we have to create a file named AlertTemplateConfigMap.yaml. Then we will copy the contents seen at this link to this file.

After that, we will create configmap via kubectl.

In this specific deployment, we are going to mount the two config maps created above. For this, we need to create a file called Deployment.yaml and the add the contents at this link to it.

Next, we have to create an alert manager deployment via kubectl.

Finally, we have to create Service.yaml file and add the content at this link to it.

Finally, we will create the service viakubectl and then we will be able to access Alert Manager on Node Port 31000.

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To conclude, our Support Engineers demonstrated how to set up Alertmanager on Kubernetes.


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