
Ubuntu Server BLK_UPDATE_REQUEST I/O Error | Troubleshooting

by | Jan 8, 2024

An issue with input/output (I/O) operations about the storage devices is usually indicated by the error message “blk_update_request I/O error” on an Ubuntu Server. Bobcares, as a part of our Server Management Service offers solutions to every query that comes our way.

Fixing the “blk_update_request I/O” Error on an Ubuntu Server

An issue of I/O operations concerning the storage devices connected to Ubuntu is usually shown by the issue “blk_update_request I/O error” on the server. The reasons include many problems, such as corrupted discs, driver problems, or hardware issues.

ubuntu server blk_update_request i/o error

We can try the following actions to fix this issue:

1. Firstly, ensure the server and all storage devices- hard drives, SSDs, etc.—are connected correctly. I/O problems may result from loose connections.

2. To perform Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (SMART) tests on the drives, use the smartctl code.  We can find the storage devices’ condition by these tests.

3. In order to find out if the storage devices have any bad blocks, use the badblocks. I/O problems may result from faulty blocks.

4. For more correct details on the I/O issues, we can also review the system logs. This can also aid in finding the main cause.

5. We may need to replace the problematic hardware parts if the results of the SMART tests or bad block checks point to hardware problems.

6. Check that the power and data cords that connect the storage devices are in good shape and are connected correctly.

7. Verify that the UEFI/BIOS is current. Compatibility problems can also be caused by out-of-date drivers.

8. We can use the relevant tool to do a file system check if we think there may be file system corruption.

9. Make a backup of any crucial data from the impacted storage devices, if we can. We might have to replace the drive and restore the data from the backups if the issue is severe.

10. Lastly, high temperatures can also cause the I/O issues. So, keep an eye on the component’s temperatures and make sure it’s proper.

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To sum up, our Support team went over the blk_update_request I/O error” on the Ubuntu server details.


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