
Cloudflare Browser Integrity Check | Explained

by | Oct 7, 2022

Bobcares with the assistance of our Server Management service has created a simple article on Cloudflare Browser Integrity Check, we will help you with all your Cloudflare queries.

Cloudflare Browser Integrity Check

The Cloudflare Browser Integrity Check (BIC) operates similarly to Bad Behavior and fetches for common HTTP headers abused most commonly by spammers or denies access to the page.

This also challenges visitors of two types of agents one is without a user agent or with a non-standard user agent such as those commonly used by abusive bots, crawlers, or visitors.
Cloudflare Browser Integrity Check
Eventually, BIC is enabled by default and you can configure it by Security >> Settings.  Similarly, can disable the BIC using a firewall bypass rule. Also, use a Page Rule to selectively enable or disable this feature for certain sections of your website. For example, disable BIC for your API traffic.

Bad browser:

The source of the request was not legitimate or the request itself was malicious. Users would see a 1010 error page in their browser.

Cloudflare’s browser Integrity check looks for common HTTP headers abused most commonly by spammers and denies them access to your page. Also, challenge visitors who do not have a user agent or a non-standard user agent. These are commonly know as crawlers, bots, or visitors.

How To Know if BIC Is Working:

In specific to check which Cloudflare Service/performance has a hand in “Securing” your site, you can simply go to Security >> Overview from your dashboard.

Next, navigate to the Security >> Overview section in Cloudflare.

Once you land there, you are presented with a “Firewall Events” and “Activity Logs” section. The second option is where you need to check if BIC prevented access to your site.

If not mistaken, for free users, it looks like the maximum time window for the Activity Log is 24 hours. There might be a chance to extend the timeframe features on a pro or higher plan, or with something on the free plan.

In any event, the log will display all security incidents in a given timeline and also shows what action was taken, which service is responsible for the said action, and more.

If Browser Integrity Check activated for any incident then it would appear under the “Service” column of the Activity Log.

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Cloudflare Browser Integrity Check classifies the threats that it blocks or challenges and operates similarly to Bad Behavior which looks for common HTTP headers abused most commonly by spammers and denies access to the page.


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