by Jiji Jose | Sep 12, 2021 | Latest, Server Management
Looking for how to resolve the error yum install failed Vestacp? We can help you with this! As part of our Server Management Services, we assist our customer with several VestaCP queries. Today, let us see how our Support Engineers fix this yum install failed error....
by Jilu Joseph | Jul 11, 2020 | Latest, MySQL, Server Administration, Server Management
VestaCP MySQL upgrade getting more attention from the website users as it can increase database performance and security. However, the problem with the root MySQL password may cause error after MySQL upgrading. Today, we’ll see how our Support Engineers upgrade...
by Jilu Joseph | Jul 9, 2020 | Latest, Server Administration, Server Management
Web-users may often see errors like “Error system: Invalid username or password” when they change the VestaCP admin password. This may happen due to missing code or the wrong command used to change passwords. Today, we’ll see how our Support Engineers...
by Jilu Joseph | Jun 23, 2019 | Latest, Server Management
Managing servers with free VestaCP control panel make things easier for Web Hosts. However, due to IP blacklisting or server migration, server owner may need a VestaCP IP address change. Luckily, VestaCP has a feature to change IP address with simple steps. But, wrong...
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