
Rollback Migration Laravel | About

by | Jul 15, 2023

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Rollback Migration Laravel | About

Laravel is a popular PHP framework. It offers several tools to manage database migrations.

Rollback Migration Laravel | About

Migrations act as a version control system for our database. They allow us to define and share the application’s database schema definition.

Today, we are going to explore how to roll back specific migrations in Laravel, including versions 6, 7, 8, and 9.

In addition, we will take a look at how to roll back all migrations using the command line.

Rolling Back the Last Migration

An easy way to roll back the latest migration is with the `migrate:rollback` command. This command rolls back the last “batch” of migrations, which usually includes multiple migration files. We can do this by running this command:

php artisan migrate:rollback

Rolling Back a Limited Number of Migrations

In case we are looking for a way to roll back a specific number of migrations, we can use the `–step` option with the `migrate:rollback` command.

For instance, we can roll back the last three migrations as seen below:

php artisan migrate:rollback –step=3

Rolling Back All Migrations

In order to roll back all migrations and revert our database to its initial state, we can use the `migrate:reset` command as seen here:

php artisan migrate:reset

Rolling Back Migrations from a Custom Path

Did you know that Laravel allows us to specify a custom path for our migrations?

For instance, if our migrations are located in a different directory, we can use the `–path` option with the `migrate:rollback` command to roll back specific migrations from that path.

In this scenario, we have to provide the full path to the migration file we want to roll back. Here’s an example:

php artisan migrate:rollback --path=/database/migrations/our-migration-file-name.php

Alternatively, we can also specify a specific migration file via its timestamp in the `–path` option. For example:

php artisan migrate:rollback --path=/database/migrations/2012_11_10_000000_create_users_table.php

Rolling Back and Re-Migrating a Limited Number of Migrations

Sometimes, we may prefer to roll back all migrations and re-migrate only a certain number of migrations. This can be done with the `migrate:refresh` command with the `–step` option.

Here’s an example of rolling back and re-migrating the last three migrations:

php artisan migrate:refresh –step=3

Creating Fresh Migrations

Furthermore, if we want to start fresh and drop all existing database tables, we can use the `migrate:fresh` command as seen here:

php artisan migrate:fresh

At the end of the day, rolling back specific migrations in Laravel is a key part of managing our database schema changes.

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In brief, our Support Techs demonstrated different commands provided by Laravel to roll back migrations.


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