CWP offers LetsEncrypt Free SSL. Read the article to know more. Bobcares, as a part of our Server Management Service offers solutions to every query that comes our way.
LetsEncrypt Free SSL By CWP
Free SSL/TLS certificates are available from Let’s Encrypt. With the help of this effort, website owners should find it easier to enable HTTPS (HTTP Secure), which will improve online communication’s security and privacy. Let’s Encrypt has made a substantial contribution to a more secure and privacy-conscious internet ecosystem by offering free, automated, and user-friendly SSL/TLS certificates, which have helped to encourage the widespread adoption of HTTPS.

In order to secure domains and subdomains hosted, the CWP has provided the Let’s Encrypt Free SSL.
Setup Steps
1. Open the WHM dashboard and log in.
2. We can access the WHM dashboard at https://serveripaddressordomainname:2087
to view the root user interface.
3. After logging in, go to the left side panel of the dashboard, look for SSL, and click on the SSL certificate.
4. Then, go to the AutoSSL[Free] tab and choose the domain name and username. Uncheck the cpanel, ftp, and webmail settings.
5. After setup is finished, we’ll receive a successful message. Click the List Installed tab to view the recently installed certificate, or use the SSL checker to make sure SSL is installed correctly.
Additionally, we can install Let’s Encrypt SSL through the https://serveripaddressorname:2083
URL on the individual panel (Child User’s Interface) of the CWP server.
Select the correct domain to install by going to Domains => AutoSSL => Domain/Subdomain after logging into the dashboard. Click Install to start the installation after making the selection.
[Need to know more? We’re available 24/7.]
By using Let’s Encrypt free SSL, we receive benefits such as free certificates, auto-renewal, wide browser support, transparency, and many more.
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