YUM Errors in EasyApache | 3 Solutions

Learn how to deal with YUM errors in EasyApache. Our Apache Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. Errors YUM in EasyApache | How to Resolve Running into YUM errors while running EasyApache is a common occurrence. It has the power to put a...

Easyapache 4 Imagick: How to set up?

Let us take learn how to enable Imagick with EasyApache 4 with the support of our Server management support services at Bobcares. What are EasyApache 4 and Imageick? EasyApache 4 is a software package that web hosting companies use to create and configure the Apache...

mod_ratelimit easyapache: How to Enable?

With the support of our Apache hosting support services at Bobcares, we will learn how to enable the mod_ratelimit easyapache. What is mod_ratelimit easyapache? Mod_ratelimit is an Apache module that allows us to limit the rate at which the web server processes...

cPanel EasyApache 4 Imagemagick: How to Install?

With the support of our Apache hosting support services at Bobcares, we will learn more about the cPanel EasyApache 4 Imagemagick and how to install it. What is cPanel EasyApache 4 Imagemagick? cPanel EasyApache 4 is a software package that web hosting companies use...