Bobcares January 2025 Statistics
We care and we want to be transparent. We’re a team of open source fanatics and Linux enthusiasts, and in the spirit of openness, we want to share some of our statistics with you.
Explore our services
Total Tickets Resolved
One-Hour Resolution
Average Resolution Time
43.89 minutes
Average Response Time
9.23 minutes
Response Time
An important element to every problem is acknowledgement and understanding. We aim to do that fast. Take a look for yourself.
Emergency Support
9.23 minutes
Average Response Time
Starting from $109/hour
Standard Support
29.19 minutes
Average Response Time
Starting from $89/hour
Resolution Time
Every problem must be resolved one way or another. We aim to complete the majority of tasks in a very short period of time, as time can be stress, money or pain for businesses and individuals. We aim to fix all problems with due care in an exceptional time.
Total chats
Total Phone Call Minutes
Avg. call length (mins)
Chat and Phone Support
One of the touch points we monitor every second is how quick we are to deal with our instantaneous touch points. Take a look at our statistics for chats & phone calls. We aim to never have people on endless holds and get them moving quickly after their problem is taken care of.