Oops!! Stuck with MySQL Error code 1064 SQL State 42000? We can help you in fixing it.
The SQL State Error 42000 occurs mainly due to the SQL syntax error or due to the outdated JDBC MySQL driver.
At Bobcares, we often get requests to fix MySQL errors, as a part of our Server Management Services.
Today, let’s see how our Support Engineers fix MySQL errors for our customers.
Why MySQL Error code 1064 SQL State 42000 occurs?
The MySQL Error code mainly occurs due to the SQL Syntax error. It happens when MySQL is unable to validate the commands.
The Syntax Error occurs due to many factors like mistyping the commands, deprecated or missing data from the database.
In some cases, the error occurs when the JDBC driver initializes the connection.
How we fix the MySQL Error code 1064?
Recently, one of our customers approached us saying that he is getting MySQL Error code 1064 SQL State 42000. On checking, we found an error in the SQL syntax.
Now, let’s see the main causes for this Error 1064 SQL State 42000 and how our Support Engineers fix them.
1. Using Reserved Words
The reserved words perform some specific functions within the MySQL engine.
Sometimes we receive the error while using the reserved words, The error occurs when the MySQL is not meeting the exact requirements for using the particular keyword.
Create Table alter (first name, last name);
The alter is a reserved word. To fix the error 1064 with the reserved word we specify the alter word within backticks.
Create Table 'alter' (first name, last name);
2. Outdated JDBC driver
When the JDBC driver initializes the connection, it sends several commands to the MySQL server. At that time we may receive the MySQL Error code SQL State 42000.
The problem is that the commands were deprecated for some time which results in the error.
We fix the error by upgrading the JDBC MySQL driver to the latest version.
3. Mistyping and Missing of Data
The 1064 error occurs when the data is not found in the database or mistyping the commands.
In case, if the data is missing from the database, we manually add the data to the database. Also, we make sure that all the commands are spelled correctly.
[Need any assistance with SQL State 42000 Error codes? – We’ll help you]
In short, today we discussed in detail on MySQL Error code 1064 and saw how our Support Engineers find the fix for this error.
i have created this procedure on mySql
out P_MSISDN int(9)
DECLARE V_msisdn int(9) DEFAULT 0;
DECLARE curMsisdn
select Subscriber_ID from sdp_snapshot_toda where Service_Class_ID between 4000 and 4999;
FOR NOT FOUND SET finished = 1;
open curMsisdn;
getMsisdn : LOOP
Fetch curMsisdn into V_msisdn;
IF finished = 1 THEN
LEAVE getMsisdn;
END LOOP getMsisdn;
CLOSE curMsisdn;
END $$
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘int(9)
DECLARE V_msisdn int(9) DEFAULT 0;
i check the SQL syntax alone it is working
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