Monitoring can be set up in Linux using NCPA which is a cross-platform monitoring agent for Nagios Core and Nagios XI that runs on Windows, Linux/Unix and Mac OS/X machines.
As a part of our Server Management services, our Support Engineers with Nagios-related requests regularly.
Let us see how to configure NCPA to monitor Linux.
Monitoring Linux Using NCPA
Before configuring NCPA, we must install NCPA on the target Windows/Linux/Mac OS X machine we wish to monitor.
Installing NCPA On Linux
There are several methods for installing NCPA on Linux depending on our OS distribution. First, establish a terminal session as a root user.
1. Using Nagios Repository
The Nagios Repository can be used to install NCPA on RHEL/CentOS. The first step is to install the repository depending on the version of Linux.
* 7.x:
# rpm -Uvh
* 8.x:
# rpm -Uvh
After the repository install, we have to execute the following command to install NCPA:
# yum install ncpa -y
2. Using RPM Package
An RPM package can be used to install NCPA on RHEL/CentOS. The step below depends on the version and architecture of Linux we are running.
RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 7.x
# rpm -Uvh
RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 8.x
# rpm -Uvh
3. Using DEB Package
A DEB package can be used to install NCPA on Ubuntu/Debian. Furthermore, the steps below depending on the version and architecture of Linux we are running.
* Debian 8.x i386
# wget
dpkg -i ./ncpa-latest.i386.deb
* Debian 8.x amd64
# wget
dpkg -i ./ncpa-latest.amd64.deb
* Debian 9.x i386
# wget
dpkg -i ./ncpa-latest.d9.i386.deb
* Debian 9.x amd64
# wget
dpkg -i ./ncpa-latest.d9.amd64.deb
* Debian 10.x amd64
# wget
dpkg -i ./ncpa-latest.d10.amd64.deb
* Ubuntu i386
# wget
# sudo dpkg -i ./ncpa-latest.i386.deb
* Ubuntu amd64
# wget
# sudo dpkg -i ./ncpa-latest.amd64.deb
Using The Linux Server Wizard
In Nagios XI, wizards perform the configuration of hosts and services through the Web UI. Wizards take the complicated matter of creating hosts and services, defining configuration parameters, assigning contacts, contact groups, hostgroups, servicegroups, etc, into an easy form in the Nagios XI UI.
Moreover, wizards can also be easily added to Nagios XI through the Admin -> Manage Wizards menu to expand the capabilities of Nagios XI.
To begin using the NCPA Agent wizard, navigate via the top menu bar to Configure > Configuration Wizards and select the Linux Server wizard.
In the first field, type the address or FQDNS name of the host we want to monitor. Next, we can specify the port number if we have changed it from the default of 5693. Then, type the Token we are using on the NCPA agent. Finally, choose the system type of the host we want to monitor and click Next.
Next step, we will configure all of the options for monitoring. Here, we will need to enter the following details:
- Enter a valid Host Name.
- Select the metrics that we want to monitor.
- We can adjust the warning and critical thresholds for each metric to suit our needs.
- Click Next once we have selected all the required options.
- Complete the wizard by choosing the required options.
To finish up, click on Finish in the final step of the wizard. This will create the new host and services and begin monitoring.
Once the wizard applies the configuration, click the View status details for <NCPA HOST> link to see the newly created service.
[Need any further assistance in monitoring Linux using NCPA? – We’re available 24*7]
In short, we can set up monitoring in Linux using NCPA. Today, we saw how our Support Engineers configures NCPA to monitor Linux.