Did you want MySQL to turn off binlog? Our Support Engineers offer an easy way to disable binary logging.
Disabling binary logging in MySQL is an easy affair under the guidance of our Support Team at Bobcares. Find out which commands to run to get the job done.
How to turn off binlog in MySQL
Before we get started, load the Bitnami stack environment. You can do this either by executing installdir/use_APPNAME script or by navigating to Start> Bitnami APPNAME Stack> Application console in the Start Menu.
Now, let’s get down to disabling binary logging in MySQL:
- First, stop the MySQL server. If the stack was installed as root, use the following command:
sudo installdir/ctlscript.sh stop mysql
Remember to replace installdir with the installation directory of the Bitnami stack.
- Next, edit the configuration file. It can be in either of these locations:
For Bitnami installations following Approach A (using Linux system packages): *installdir/mysql/conf/my.cnf* * For Bitnami installations following Approach B (self-contained installations): *installdir/mysql/my.cnf*
- After locating the configuration file, add this line in the [mysqld] configuration block:
[mysqld] disable_log_bin ...
- Then, start the MySQL server with the following command:
sudo installdir/ctlscript.sh start mysql
Moreover, the existing binary logs will be removed after 30 days, the default expiry period. In addition, you can also choose to remove them manually.
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In short, we learn how to disable binary logging in MySQL with ease under the guidance of the Support Team at Bobcares.
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