AWS codecommit clone allows us to clone the contents to our local machine, when we first connect to a repository
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Let’s look at the details of the AWS codecommit clone.
AWS Codecommit Clone
We usually clone the contents of a CodeCommit repository to our local machine when we connect to it for the first time. The CodeCommit console also allows us to directly add and edit files in a repository. We can also add a CodeCommit repository as a remote if we already have a local repository.
Connection to a CodeCommit repository requires the following prerequisites.
- To connect to CodeCommit, we must install the necessary software and configure our local computer. This includes Git installation and configuration.
- The clone URL of the CodeCommit repository we want to connect to.
- We’ll need a location on our local machine to keep a local copy of the CodeCommit repository we’ve connected to. We can then switch to that directory and run Git commands from there.
Connect to the CodeCommit repository by cloning the repository
- Firstly, complete the prerequisites.
- Then, switch to that directory and run Git commands from there. For example, Assuming the default profile and AWS Region are configured in the AWS CLI, for HTTPS using git-remote-codecommit, run the command:
git clone codecommit://DemoRepo demo-repo
- Git creates the directory and then pulls a copy of our CodeCommit repository into it.
- We will see a message that we are cloning an empty repository if the CodeCommit repository is new or otherwise empty. It’s to be expected.
We’re ready to run Git commands from our local repo now that we’ve successfully connected it to our CodeCommit repository. We can now create commits, branches, and tags, as well as push and pull data from the CodeCommit repository.
Clone CodeCommit repositories in an AWS Control Tower single sign-on environment.
- Firstly, run the command to install git-remote-codecommit:
pip install git-remote-codecommit
- Then, to create an AWS Profile, type the following in the terminal.
aws configure
When prompted, enter the following values:
- AWS Access Key ID [None]:
- AWS Secret Access Key [None]:
- Default region name [None]:
- Default output format [None]:
- Finally, use the terminal to clone our CodeCommit repository:
git clone codecommit://repo-name local-dir
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To sum up, our Skilled engineers demonstrated how to connect to the CodeCommit repository by cloning the repository
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