
File upload in Laravel API using Postman | Guide

by | Oct 8, 2023

Learn how to upload files in Laravel API using Postman. Our Laravel Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

How to upload a file in Laravel API using Postman

If you are looking for some help uploading a file in a Laravel API, you are in the right place.

Before we begin, make sure you have a Laravel project set up and running.

  1. To begin with, we have to create a FormRequest class for validation. We can do this by generating the `UploadRequest` class via this command:

    php artisan make:request UploadRequest

    We can find the `UploadRequest` class in the `app/Http/Requests` directory. It looks like this:

    How to upload a file in Laravel API using Postman

    Furthermore, we can define our validation rules in the `rules()` method.

  2. Then, it is time to create the controller class that will handle file uploads. So, generate the `UploadController` class with this command:

    php artisan make:controller UploadController

    This class is placed in the `app/Http/Controllers` folder. Now, add the `__invoke()` method to print all received files for debugging in this controller:


  3. At this point, we will make our controller accessible via the API. This is done by registering it in the `routes/api.php` file:

    Route::post("upload", \App\Http\Controllers\UploadController::class);

    As the controller cannot be invoked, we do not have to mention the action name.

  4. Then, it is time to start our local development server with this command:

    php artisan server

How to Upload a file using Postman

  1. To upload a single file using Postman, we have to create a new request.
  2. Then set the request method to POST, and specify a name.

    If we register our route in the `routes/api.php` file, we can use this URL:

    However, if we placed our route in the `routes/web.php` file, we can use:

  3. Now, head to the Body tab in Postman and select the “form-data” option from the type list. Add a field named “file,” and click the arrow at the end of the input field to choose the “File” option.

    Here, we will see a “Select Files” button. We can use it to upload our file.

  4. Finally, hit the “Send” button.

Uploading multiple files is similar to uploading a single file. Postman lets us select and send multiple files simultaneously.

However, we have to rename the field name to “file[].” This tells Laravel to treat this variable as an array, allowing you to handle multiple files in one go.

For example:


Let us know in the comments if you need further help with uploading a file in Laravel API with Postman.

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In brief, our Support Experts demonstrated how to upload files in Laravel AP using Postman.


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