
330 Content Decoding Failed – How to solve the Nagios error

by | Apr 7, 2021

Stuck with, 330 Content Decoding Failed? We can help you.

While accessing Nagios products in the web browser we may come across this error.

As part of our Server Management Services, we assist our customers with several Nagios queries.

Today, let us see how we can resolve the Content Decoding error in Nagios.


330 Content Decoding Failed

Content Encoding Error

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

* Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

Error 330 (net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED): Unknown error.

On rare occasions, we may come across this error.

This happens when an HTTP request’s headers claim that the content is gzip encoded, but it is not.


How to solve the error?

Initially, we turn on zlib.output_compression

The Apache web server requires this to configure to On in the /etc/php.ini file.

To do so, we open the file /etc/php.ini in any text editor.

Then to locate zlib.output_compression we type:

/output_compression =

Once it takes us to the line, we change the setting to On:

zlib.output_compression = On

Eventually, we save the changes.

Then we restart the Apache service using any of the below commands:

RHEL 7+|CentOS 7+

systemctl restart httpd.service

Debian|Ubuntu 16/18/20

systemctl restart apache2.service

Once the service restarts, the problem should no longer occur.

In addition, we can perform a few more steps.

We can try to save the codes with UTF8 format without BOM (Byte Order Mark). Sometimes, codes written with Notepad++ use UTF8 encode which can result in this error.

If we receive this error specifically on the Chrome browser, we upgrade it to the latest version or reinstall it.

In Chrome extensions, disable them all and access the webpage. If it works fine, we enable them one by one. Thus, we can determine the culprit extension and disable it.

If we have installed any antivirus software on the local computer, turn it off for a while and reload the page we have problems with. Thus, we could identify if antivirus is causing the problem.

[Does this not solve the error? We’d be happy to check further for you]



In short, this error occurs when an HTTP request’s headers claim that the content is gzip encoded, but it is not. Today, we saw how our Support Techs effectively solve this error.

var google_conversion_label = "owonCMyG5nEQ0aD71QM";


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