
Aggregate Graphs in Zabbix: How to?

by | Feb 22, 2023

Let us learn more about the aggregate graphs in zabbix. With the support of our Server management support services at Bobcares we can go through the whole setup process.

What are aggregate graphs in Zabbix?

aggregate graphs in zabbix

Aggregate graphs are used in Zabbix to display data from numerous hosts or objects on a single graph. We can readily see and compare trends and patterns across various entities as a result of this.

In order to establish an aggregate graph in Zabbix, we must first declare the items or hosts that will be included in the graph, as well as the computation technique for aggregating their data (such as average, minimum, maximum, or sum). Once the aggregate graph is established, we can utilize it to more efficiently monitor and assess the performance of the systems and applications.

4 Aggregation in graphs

The aggregation capabilities included in the dashboard’s graph widget allow you to display an aggregated value for the specified interval (5 minutes, an hour, a day) rather than all data.

The following are the aggregation options:

  • min
  • max
  • avg
  • count
  • sum
  • first (first value displayed)
  • last (last value displayed)

The most intriguing use of data aggregation is the ability to construct attractive side-by-side comparisons of data across time:

When moving over a point in time on the graph, the date and time, as well as the items and their aggregated values, are presented. Items are shown in parenthesis, preceded by the aggregate function.

It is important to note that this is the date and time of the point on the graph, not the actual numbers.


When configuring a graph widget, the aggregation options are available in the data set settings.

We can select the aggregation function as well as the time interval. Because the data set may contain several items, there is also an option to display aggregated data for each item separately or for all data set items as a single aggregated number.

Use cases

Average request count to Nginx server

View the daily average request count to the Nginx server:

  • To the data collection, add the request count per second item.
  • When we use the aggregate function avg with the timeframe 1d.
  • a bar graph appears, with each bar representing the average number of requests per second per day.

Minimum weekly disk space among clusters

View the clusters with the least disk space throughout a week.

  • add the following to the data set: hosts cluster*, key "Free disk space on /data,"
  • aggregate function min, interval 1w, a bar graph is shown.
  • Each bar representing the minimum disk space per week for each /data volume in the cluster.

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To conclude we have now learned how to aggregate graphs in zabbix. With the support of our server management support services we have gone through the complete process of setting up aggregate graphs.


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