
Backup and Restore Process in Azure APIM

by | Jul 18, 2024

Azure APIM is a managed platform to create, publish, secure, and analyze APIs. Let’s see more on Azure APIM Backup and Restore process in this post. Bobcares, as a part of our Server Management Service offers solutions to every query that comes our way.

  1. Azure APIM Backup and Restore Process
  2. Steps to Backup and Restore an APIM Instance
  3. Important Considerations

Azure APIM Backup and Restore Process

A managed platform for creating, publishing, securing, and analyzing APIs is called Azure API Management (APIM). It controls access, monitors usage, and protects APIs from threats, streamlining the API lifecycle from design to scaling.

Steps to Backup and Restore an APIM Instance

1. Create a Storage Account and Container for Backups

i. Create Storage Account:

$storageAccount = New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName "apim-resgroup" -Name "apimbobcares" -SkuName Standard_LRS -Location "India"

ii. Create Backup Container:

New-AzStorageContainer -Name "backups" -Context $storageAccount.Context -Permission blob

2. Backup the APIM Instance

i. Use the following PowerShell command to backup:

Backup-AzApiManagement -ResourceGroupName "apim-resgroup" -Name "apim-src" -StorageContext $storageAccount.Context

This may take 10-30 minutes. The backup file will be stored in the specified storage container.

3. Restore the APIM Instance

Use the following PowerShell command to restore:

Restore-AzApiManagement -ResourceGroupName "apim-resgroup" -Name "apim-destination" -StorageContext $storageAccount.Context -SourceContainerName "backups" -SourceBlobName "apim-src-backup"

This may take 30 minutes or more. Verify that the restored APIM instance has the expected configuration and content.

Important Considerations

1. Backups expire after 30 days. So, we must restore within this period.

2. We must avoid setup changes during backup/restore to prevent overwrites.

3. Also, we must remember to take backups of both source and destination APIM instances to prevent accidental overwrites.

4. Lastly, ensure the destination APIM is in the same SKU tier as the source for a successful restore.

By following these steps, we can reliably backup and restore the APIM config for disaster recovery or migration purposes.

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To sum up, by creating a storage account for backups, using PowerShell commands to backup and restore the APIM instance, and following best practices, we can ensure the API configs are safe and easily recoverable.


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