
Busybox Sendmail Configuration: How to do it ?

by | Apr 19, 2023

Let us learn how to do busybox sendmail configuration With the support of our Server management support services at Bobcares.

What is Busybox in Sendmail?

busybox sendmail configuration

Busybox is a lightweight Unix shell that is often used in embedded computers and other low-resource contexts. Busybox offers a lightweight version of the Sendmail email server that we can use from the command line to send email.

For sending email from the command line, BusyBox contains a rudimentary version of the sendmail MTA (Mail Transfer Agent).

How to do Busybox Sendmail configuration?

Here is how to set up BusyBox sendmail:

  1. Install BusyBox:

    We must install BusyBox if it is not present on the system.

    The installation method for BusyBox varies based on the operating system, however we can usually install it via the package manager.

  2. Create the sendmail configuration file:

    /etc/sendmail.conf is the default location for the BusyBox sendmail configuration file.

    If the file does not already exist, we may create it with a text editor like vi or nano.

  3. Setup the SMTP server:

    We’ll need to indicate the SMTP server that we wish to utilize to send email in the configuration file. This is commonly done with the smtp-server directive, as seen below.

    Replace with the SMTP server’s hostname or IP address.

  4. Setup the from address:

    We’ll also need the email address you’d want to use as the sender. We can do this with the from directive, as shown below:

  5. Test the configuration:

    We can test sendmail after we’ve configured it by sending a test email. To do this, use the echo command to create a message such as this:

    echo "Test message" | sendmail

    We should be able to do the busybox sendmail configuration from the command line using these instructions.

    Note that we need the configuration file to modify to fit the unique environment and requirements.

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