
Cloudflare Permanent Redirect: Easy Setup

by | Dec 26, 2022

Let us take a close look at how to use Cloudflare to set up permanent redirect links. At Bobacres our Server management support services can give you a detailed guide on to do it.

Permanent redirect 

Cloudflare permanent redirect

A 301 indicates a permanent redirect from one URL to another. This means that the redirect will send visitors requesting for old URL to the new URL.

A 301 redirect is most typically used when a page has been permanently relocated or withdrawn from a website and transfers all ranking power from the old URL to the new URL. A user can set up and manage the permanent redirecting of links with Cloudflare.

301 Moved Permanently :

Permanent URL redirection for the requested site. The target resource now has a new permanent URI, and any future referrals to it should use one of the contained URIs.

Cloudflare can produce these replies, eliminating the requirement to submit a request to the origin server’s response using Page rules. So in short Cloudflare allows users to set up permanent redirect URLs.


Create a DNS record for the www subdomain to do this. It must be either an A record with the value or a AAAA record with the value 100::.

The new DNS record must also have Cloudflare’s proxy enabled (orange-clouded) in order to perform the Page Rule action that you will define next.

After that make the Page rule for redirecting permanent links with Cloudflare. The Page Rule that will handle the reroute. All pathways will be rerouted as a result of this.

This is accomplished with a 301. (Permanent Redirect). By matching all paths, it will send a visitor from to

To change the rule for redirecting permanent links with Cloudflare follow the steps given below:

  1. Navigate to the Rules section of the Cloudflare dashboard.
  2. Choose Create Page Rule.
  3. Set the target to*, with the /* matching all paths.
  4. Select 301 – Permanent Redirect from the status code field and Forwarding URL from the dropdown.
  5. Finally, change the Forwarding URL address to$1, with the $1 substituted by the wildcard match in target (the *).

Finally, click Save and Deploy page rule button and wait for the rule to take effect; this step will finalize the entire process of redirecting permanent links with Cloudflare.

[Need assistance with similar queries? We are here to help]


To conclude, Cloudflare allows to setup permanent redirect with the assistance of the user interface. With the support of our Server management support services at Bobcares we have gone through the whole process.


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