
Docker Compose Detached: Modes explained

by | Sep 20, 2022

Let us take a closer look at the docker-compose detached and configurations associated with it with the support of our Docker hosting support services at Bobcares.

Docker Compose: Detached Mode (Background)

A Docker Compose command, like a docker run command, launches the services in the foreground by default.

docker compose detached

To execute this in the background, use the vom compose-up command with the -d or we can also use the —detach option. Now let us move ahead to the main topic.

Docker Compose Detached

In the detachment mode or in the background, we have to  run the docker-compose up command as shown below:

docker-compose up -d
- or -
docker-compose up --detach

The preceding command launches the containers in the background and prints the new container names.

Docker detached mode

The option —detach or -d indicates that a Docker container is running in the background of the terminal. It does not accept or display input or output.

docker run -d IMAGE

If we start containers in the background, we can use docker ps to get their details and then reattach the terminal to its input and output. Make sure to go through these steps for docker-compose detached.

The background flag-d goes after run or up.

The tty and interactive flags -t are not required because the docker-compose run accomplishes this automatically. We can use -t to add tty to individual containers in the compose file, but we can’t use interactive mode because we can’t interact with all of them at once.

If we add -d to the end of the run command, it will execute in the background. However, we can advocate using up rather than run because it will simply start all containers in the file.

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To conclude we have now learned more docker-compose detached and the configurations to use the docker detach mode within a few simple steps with the assistance of our Docker hosting support services.


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