Are you trying to disable secure boot in Hyper-V? We can help you do it.
Secure Boot is a feature introduced for UEFI architecture. This option is available in Generation 2 VM.
Here at Bobcares, we often receive requests to fix Hyper-V errors as a part of our Server Management Services.
Today, let’s see how our Support Engineers disable it for our customers.
Secure boot in Hyper-V
Secure boot is a feature of UEFI. It helps to prevent unauthorized firmware, operating systems, or UEFI drivers running at boot time.
By default, the secure boot is enabled for Generation 2 virtual machine.
For Generation 1 servers the secure boot option is not available.
If you have created a virtual machine with BIOS architecture OS in Generation 2 then the server will fail to load.
Thus, we need to recreate the virtual machine with Generation 1. Else we can disable the secure boot and make the server load.
Disable secure boot in Hyper-V
Recently one of the customers contacted us saying that he needs to disable the secure boot in Hyper-V for this VM to load. Now let’s discuss how our Support Engineers disable it for our customer.
From Hyper-V manager
First we open Hyper-V manager.
Then we select the virtual machine. We right-click on the virtual machine and click on Settings.
In the left pane, we click on the security tab.
Then under Secure Boot, we uncheck Enable Secure Boot.
Finally, we click on OK to apply the change.
When we boot the virtual machine next time the machine will boot without secure mode.
From PowerShell
We can disable Secure boot of the virtual machine from the PowerShell.
First, in the start menu, we search for Windows PowerShell.
We right-click on Windows PowerShell and select Run as Administrator.
Set-VMFirmware -VMName virtualmachine -DisableSecureBoot
From next boot, the server will boot without secure boot.
Disable secure option might not work in all Hyper-V servers from PowerShell since Microsoft prefers to use secure boot. In those cases, we need to disable it from the Hyper-V manager.
[Need assistance with Hyper-V servers – We can help you with it]
In short, we’ve discussed how to disable Secure Boot. We have also discussed how our Support Engineers disable secure boot for Hyper-V servers.
For the people getting that -DisableSecureBoot is not recognized, please use the following command:
Set-VMFirmware -VMName virtualmachine -EnableSecureBoot Off
Good luck 🙂
Hello Serhat,
Thank you for the update.