
Laravel Encrypt and Decrypt with Custom Key: A Guide on

by | May 16, 2023

Let us take learn how to set up the laravel encrypt and decrypt with custom key with the support of our server management support services at Bobcares.

Why encrypt and decrypt with custom key in Laravel?

laravel encrypt and decrypt with custom key

By encrypting and decrypting data using a custom key in Laravel, we can use a different encryption key than the framework’s default key.

This provides additional control over the encryption process and allows us to use a encryption key for compatibility with other systems.

How to encrypt and decrypt data with a custom key in Laravel?

Follow these steps to encrypt and decode data using a custom key in Laravel:

  1. Generate a Custom Encryption Key:

    Firstly, make a unique encryption key that can encrypt and decode data. This key should consist of a 32-character string.

    When we run the following command, Laravel’s built-in artisan command-line tool will let us generate a random key.

    php artisan key:generate --show

    This command will produce and show a random key on the terminal.

  2. Configure Custom Encryption Key:

    Secondly, open the.env file in the Laravel application’s root directory. Add or modify the APP_KEY item to include the custom encryption key. This is how it should look:


  3. Encrypt Data:

    Thirdly, we can use Laravel’s encrypt helper function to encrypt data with a custom key. As the argument, enter the data. As an example:

    $encryptedData = encrypt('Sensitive information');

    The data will be encrypted using the custom encryption key supplied in the.env file by the encrypt function.

  4. Decrypt Data:

    Finally, use the decrypt helper function to restore the encrypted data to its original state. Pass the encrypted data as the argument. For example:

    $decryptedData = decrypt($encryptedData);

    The data will be decrypted using the custom encryption key by the decrypt function.

We have more control over the encryption process and can assure compatibility with other systems that may require a specific encryption key by employing a bespoke encryption key.

Keeping the unique key safe and not revealing it publicly is critical as the encryption strength depends on the secrecy of the key.

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To sum up we have now seen how to set up the laravel encrypt and decrypt with custom key with the support of our tech team.


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