
lsws webadmin Firewall is Blocking Port 7080: Solution

by | Mar 10, 2023

Let us take a closer look at the lsws webadmin Firewall is Blocking Port 7080 error. With the support of our Litepseed Hosting support services at bo0bcares we can give you a complete note on the error and how to remove it.

lsws webadmin Firewall is Blocking Port 7080

lsws webadmin Firewall is Blocking Port 7080

The notice “LSWS WebAdmin Firewall is Blocking Port 7080” indicates that the server’s firewall is preventing inbound connections to the LiteSpeed WebAdmin interface, which is generally accessible through port 7080.

Users must normally open port 7080 on their firewall to accept inbound connections in order to use the LiteSpeed WebAdmin interface. Users will be unable to access the WebAdmin interface if the firewall is set to restrict incoming traffic on this port.

We may occasionally experience difficulties accessing the LSWS WebAdmin Console. We discovered that in most situations, this is due to a firewall blocking it.

By default, LSWS utilizes port 7080 for the WebAdmin Console/Panel. To be accessible from outside the server, this port must be open.

Run the following command from the hosting computer while LSWS is running to see whether there are any processes listening on port 7080:

netstat -na | grep 7080

If so, go ahead and check what that procedure is:

curl -i http://localhost:7080

If it returns the expected result, something like Server:LiteSpeed, then the LSWS WebAdmin Console is running properly on the server but is being blocked by the firewall.

At this stage, we should verify the firewall rules and add or delete blocking rules as appropriate. To view the current rules in iptables, use the following command:

iptables -L

If we’re using cPanel with CFS, we may add this TCP port to the allow list. In most cases, the methods outlined above should resolve the issue.

Different Admin Port

If we still can’t get into the WebAdmin Console, examine the LSWS Admin settings to determine whether the default admin listener address of *:7080 has been altered. If so, open the appropriate port.

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To sum up we have now gone through the lsws webadmin Firewall is Blocking Port 7080 error. With the support of our Litespeed hosting support services at Bobcares we have seen the methods to resolve the error easily.


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