
MongoDB Bulkwrite Insertmany: A Note on

by | May 21, 2023

Let us learn more on the mongodb bulkwrite insertmany with the support of our MongoDB support services at Bobcares.

What is BulkWrite insertmany in MongoDB?

mongodb bulkwrite insertmany

When working with huge datasets, the BulkWrite operation in MongoDB allows us to conduct many write operations in a single request, which can dramatically increase speed.

BulkWrite’s “insertMany” action allows us to insert numerous documents into a collection with a single request.

By default, MongoDB bulk insert does ordered insert. If an error occurs during the insertion at a given point, the remaining documents will not insert.

Using the insertMany() function

The command line will let us insert multiple documents into a collection:

The function has the following syntax:

writeConcern: document,
ordered: boolean



Optional. A paper that expresses the writer’s worry. Leave out the default write concern.

Do not explicitly set the write concern if the operation is executes in a transaction.


Optional. A boolean indicating whether the insert should be ordered or unordered by the mongod instance. True is the default value.


A document that includes:

a: A boolean indicates whether the operation done with write concern (true) or if write concern is not active (false).

b: An array of values for each successfully inserted document.

How does the insertMany” works within MongoDB’s BulkWrite operation?

Here’s how “insertMany” functions under MongoDB’s BulkWrite operation:

  • Firstly, to conduct a bulk write operation, we must first create an instance of the BulkWrite class in thje MongoDB driver code.
  • After that, insert operation definition:

    The insert actions we wish to perform are defined within the BulkWrite object. We can pass an array of documents to “insertMany” to insert into the collection.

  • Specification documents:

    Prepare an array of documents to be included into the collection. Every document must be a valid MongoDB document in JSON format.

  • Finally, carrying out the BulkWrite:

    We can use the BulkWrite operation to conduct the required insertions once we’ve defined all of the insert actions.

    BulkWrite delivers a single request to MongoDB, which reduces network overhead.

We may insert numerous documents into a collection with a single request by utilizing the BulkWrite operation with “insertMany.” This improves the speed of MongoDB insertions.

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To sum up, we have now seen more on Mongodb bulkwrite insertmany and a note on the insertmany function with the support of our tech team.


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