
Dataroot Location Not Secure Moodle Error | Fixed

by | Oct 27, 2024

Learn how to fix the “Dataroot Location Not Secure” Moodle error. Our Moodle Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

“Dataroot Location Not Secure” Moodle Error | Fixed

Recently, one of our clients ran into trouble while setting up Moodle. They ran into the “Dataroot location not secure” error message.

According to our Experts, this error occurs when the designated directory for Moodle’s data storage, the dataroot, is accessible through the web server, posing a serious security risk.

"Dataroot Location Not Secure" Moodle Error | Fixed

If this issue is not resolved promptly, it can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive files, compromising user data and system integrity.

The error message usually appears during Moodle’s installation or configuration phase, warning that the dataroot directory is not secure.

The error message usually looks like this:

Error: Dataroot location is not secure. Please move it outside the web-accessible area.

The dataroot in Moodle refers to the designated directory where all the data files, logs, session data, cache, and temporary files are stored. It is separate from the Moodle codebase to enhance security and data management.

The dataroot serves as the central repository for uploaded files, backups, user data, and other content generated by Moodle users.

Moodle relies on this directory for essential operations like file uploads, caching, and user sessions.

If the dataroot is located within the web-accessible directory (e.g., public_html), it can be accessed by anyone through a web browser, leading to unauthorized access to sensitive files.

Storing it outside the web root prevents attackers from directly accessing or modifying stored files, thereby reducing the risk of data breaches, file tampering, or the execution of malicious scripts.

Ensuring the dataroot directory is located outside the web-accessible area is a fundamental security measure in Moodle, protecting user data and maintaining the integrity of the platform.

An Overview:

What are the Impacts of the Error

  • If the dataroot is accessible via the web, attackers can exploit it to access sensitive information, exposing users’ personal data and other confidential files.
  • The error can cause Moodle’s installation or configuration process to stop, preventing further setup.
  • Exposing the dataroot can lead to data corruption or loss, especially if unauthorized changes are made.

Common Causes and How to Fix Them

1. Dataroot Located in a Web-Accessible Directory

The dataroot directory is within the web server’s document root, making it accessible via a web browser.


  1. First, open the `config.php` file and locate the `$CFG->dataroot` variable.

    For example:

    `$CFG->dataroot = '/path/to/public_html/moodledata';`

  2. Then, move the moodledata directory to a secure location outside the web root:

    mv /path/to/public_html/moodledata /home/user/moodledata

  3. Next, modify the `$CFG->dataroot` path in `config.php` to reflect the new secure location.
  4. Finally, verify the move by accessing the dataroot via a browser; it should return a 403 Forbidden error.

2. Incorrect Permissions

Permissions for the dataroot directory are too permissive, allowing unauthorized access.


  1. First, check current permissions:

    ls -ld /path/to/moodledata

  2. Then, restrict access by setting permissions to 750:

    chmod 750 /home/user/moodledata

    Next, recheck the permissions to ensure they are correctly set.

3. Misconfigured .htaccess File

The `.htaccess` file may not be configured to block web access to the dataroot.


  1. First, go to the dataroot directory and create/edit the `.htaccess` file:

    cd /home/user/moodledata
    nano .htaccess

  2. Then, add the following lines to block access:

    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all

  3. Finally, click save the changes and exit the text editor.

4. Open_basedir Restrictions

PHP’s `open_basedir` restriction might block access to the dataroot.


  1. Locate the php.ini File:

    php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration File"

  2. Then, include the dataroot path in the `open_basedir` directive:

    open_basedir = /srv/www/moodledata:/srv/www/moodle:/tmp:/etc/moodle

  3. Finally, restart Apache or Nginx to apply the changes.

5. Incorrect Configuration in config.php

The `$CFG->dataroot` variable in `config.php` is set to the wrong location.


  1. First, open config.php:

    nano /path/to/moodle/config.php

  2. Then, verify the Dataroot Path:
    $CFG->dataroot = '/home/user/moodledata';


  • Finally, access the Moodle site to ensure it functions correctly without errors.


Prevention Strategies

  • Conduct regular checks on directory permissions and access settings to ensure that the *dataroot* remains secure.
  • Host Moodle on a dedicated server or VPS to have full control over directory structures and permissions.
  • Use firewalls and intrusion detection systems to monitor and secure server access.

How to Use Automation for Security Checks

We can use automated tools and scripts to regularly monitor the *dataroot* for proper file permissions, secure paths, and access controls.

Here are some tools:

  • Automate periodic checks for file permissions using Bash scripts that can run `chmod` and `chown` commands to ensure correct ownership and access rights.
  • Use Ansible for automating regular security checks across Moodle servers. Ansible playbooks can be configured to verify file paths, restrict access, and apply security configurations across multiple Moodle installations.
  • Tools like Tripwire or AIDE can be configured to monitor changes in the dataroot directory, detecting unauthorized modifications or unexpected changes in files.
  • Use monitoring tools like Nagios, Zabbix, or even simple cron jobs combined with mail alerts to set up automated notifications.
  • Configure alerts to trigger when unexpected changes occur in the dataroot directory, such as modified file permissions or newly added files.
  • Implement log monitoring to detect unusual access patterns or failed login attempts, providing an additional layer of security to the dataroot.

[Need assistance with a different issue? Our team is available 24/7.]


In brief, our Support Experts demonstrated how to fix the “Dataroot Location Not Secure” Moodle error.


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