
Simple Fixes For NGINX Error CreateFile()

by | Jul 29, 2024

The NGINX error CreateFile() typically shows a problem with using or creating a file or directory specified in the Nginx config. Let’s fix the issue quickly with these steps in this article. As part of our Server Management Service, Bobcares provides answers to all of your questions.

  1. Fixing NGINX error CreateFile()
  2. Causes
  3. Troubleshooting Steps

Fixing NGINX error CreateFile()

We may sometimes see the below error:

CreateFile() "C:\nginx/htmlindex.php/flow3/welcome" failed (3: The system cannot find the path specified)

When NGINX faces a problem when trying to create a file on the server, the nginx error createfile() usually appears. There are several reasons why this error may happen:


i. Permission Issues: Nginx may not have the necessary permissions to access the directory.

nginx error createfile()

ii. Disk Space: The server might be out of disk space.

iii. File System Limits: The system might have reached its limit for files or inodes.

iv. Incorrect Path: The specified path might be incorrect or doesn’t exist.

v. SELinux: Security context might block Nginx from accessing certain directories on SELinux-enabled systems.

Troubleshooting Steps

i. Check Permissions:

sudo chown -R nginx:nginx /path/to/directory
sudo chmod -R 755 /path/to/directory

ii. Check Disk Space:

df -h

iii. Check Inode Usage:

df -i

iv. Verify Path:

grep 'path/to/file' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

v. Check SELinux:

Temporarily disable SELinux to test:

sudo setenforce 0

For a permanent solution, adjust SELinux policies.

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To conclude, we can quickly fix the CreateFile() issue with these steps from our Tech team.


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