
NoCredentialProviders Error Terraform | How To Fix It?

by | Feb 17, 2023

Read the article to know the steps to fix the NoCredentialProviders error in Terraform. Bobcares, as a part of our Server Management Services, offers solutions to every query that comes our way.

What is ‘NoCredentialProviders’ error in Terraform?

While trying to provide AWS credentials to Terraform cloud, we may see the below error:

nocredentialproviders error terraform

Terraform Cloud workers are temporary Linux virtual machines without access to a personal PC. It only functions within the configured repository directory. If the AWS credential file is located somewhere other than the repository directory structure of the code, then this issue will occur.

How to fix the NoCredentialProviders error in Terraform?

The two main steps we’ve to take to fix this error include:

1. Moving the AWS credentials file to the same repository location of the code.

2. Referencing that location in the shared_credentials_file argument in the Terraform providers code block.

The plain text storage of such AWS secrets in the credential file is a security concern. Hard-coded credentials are not advised in any Terraform setup and increase the chance of confidential information being disclosed if this file is ever uploaded to a public version control system.

The Terraform Cloud Environment variables are the suggested location for storing AWS credentials. The variables have a sensitive flag that, when set, makes them invisible. Navigate to the workspace in question, then click the “Variables” navigation link at the top to examine and manage the workspace’s variables.

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The post explains how our Tech team fixed the NoCredentialProviders problem in Terraform.


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