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Plesk Onyx Repair – A tool to fix Mysql, DNS, FTP and more
Hosting a website isn't always smooth sailing. You can occasionally land in troubled waters such as DB corruption, mailbox errors, etc. At Bobcares, our Server Support Engineers often resolve such data corruption issues using native commands like mysqlcheck,...
How to setup Fail2ban to avoid Postfix SASL attack ?
Email spamming can ruin the IP reputation of any server! But, what can we do to defend against spammers ? Here, the solution is to block common spamming methods like brute-force password attacks, dictionary attacks, etc. Fail2ban is a commonly used tool to block...
Fail2Ban: how to unban IPs that are blocked?
Fail2ban is a great tool for server owners to automatically ban suspicious IP addresses in server firewall. But, sometimes, it can block valid connections too. At Bobcares, we often receive requests from website owners to unban their IP address from Fail2ban as part...
cPanel DDoS protection – Everything that you need to know!
It's a shocking fact that DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are on the rise! Hackers evolve with new ways of DDoS attack every day. That makes DDoS protection a significant step for server security. At Bobcares, we help servers owners to implement DDoS...
Magento Paypal Recurring Payments – Here are the steps to integrate it
Magento Paypal Recurring payments is a great way for store owners to offer products with installment plans, subscriptions, etc. But, Magento supports such payments only via Paypal Express Checkout. At Bobcares, we often receive requests from website owners to setup...
CageFS in cPanel – How to make it work for your servers!
Users in our server are getting the following error when executing an operating system command through PHP. *sh: jpegoptim: command not found* Recently we were contacted by a server owner whose customer was having issues running a PHP script that executes this...
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