
Pre Login Handshake SQL Server Error | How to fix it?

by | Sep 26, 2022

Let’s examine the pre-login handshake SQL server error in more detail. At Bobcares, with our Server Management Services, we can handle your server issues.

Pre Login Handshake Error on SQL Server

While connecting to the SQL server, we may sometimes encounter the error:


pre login handshake sql server error

A problem with certificate validation is typically to blame on pre-login handshake error. Our tools connect to SQL Server using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, which has been changed and now defaults to Trust Server Certificate = False in circumstances where it previously defaulted to true.

How To Fix The Pre-Login Handshake Error On SQL Server?

We can fix the issue by setting Trust Server Certificate = True on the connection strings that our tools utilize, or we can resolve the underlying Certificate Validation problem, eliminating the need to connect with the Trust Server Certificate = True.

SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare

With GUI, we can fix the certificate validation issue as given below:

On the Data Source tab of the project, in the Server field, enter Trust Server Certificate=true.
On the command line, we can use the code:

Add ;Trust Server Certificate=true on the Server1 or Server2 switch

SQL Source Control

In order to fix the pre-login handshake issue, in the Connection Properties Options of SQL Server Management Studio, we can set the Trust Server Certificate to True.

SQL Change Automation Powershell

Using a PowerShell script:

Simply include ;Trust Server Certificate=true in the connection string, like in:

Invoke-DatabaseBuild -InputObject $ScriptsFolder -TemporaryDatabase "Server=SQL_Server;Trust Server Certificate=true;Database=Temp_DB"

Using an addon:

Make sure to select the Trust Server Certificate.

SQL Monitor

The monitored server’s Connection Properties must have the Trust Server Checkbox checked.

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In this article, we discussed the pre-login handshake SQL server error and its troubleshooting tips from our Support team.


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