
Snort on pfsense Rules | About

by | Jun 19, 2023

Learn more about Snort on pfsense rules from our experts. Our pfsense Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

About Snort on pfsense Rules

Snort can be described as an intrusion detection and prevention system. We can configure it to log detected network events as well as block them. Furthermore, the Snort package enables application detection and filtering.

Snort on pfsense Rules | About

Today, we are going to take a look at how to install Snort on Pfsense:

  1. First, we have to log in to our Pfsense web interface.
  2. Then, head to the top menu and click System.
  3. Next, click Package Manager and select the Available Packages link.
  4. Now, we must search for “Snort” in the Available Packages screen. Once it pops up, click the Install button.
  5. Then, head to the Snort configuration page and locate the section for downloading and managing Snort rules. We can choose from different rule sets, like the Snort Registered User Rules, Snort GPLv2 Community Rules, and so on. After that, click the Update Rules button.
  6. Now, head to the Categories tab on the Snort configuration page. This is where we can enable or disable specific rule categories based on our needs.
  7. At this point, head to the Preprocessors and Flow tab and set the rule actions and thresholds. Here, we can alert, block, or whitelist specific traffic according to the rule match.
  8. Furthermore, we can create custom rules to cater to our specific network environment. We can add the custom rules in the Custom Rules section of the Snort configuration page.
  9. After we configure the Snort rules to our satisfaction, we have to click the Save button and then start Snort by clicking the Start button on the Global Settings tab.

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To conclude, our Support Techs introduced us to configuring and setting up Snort on pfsense rules.


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