
wordpress opcache preload

by | Jul 20, 2022

 WordPress OPcache preload is a performance enhancement tool. OPcache ensures fast and reliable website performance to the users to ensure maximum efficiency.

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Let us take a look at Opcache Preload for WordPress in detail.

Opcache Preload for WordPress Hosting

wordpress opcache preload

It is important to note that this guide is only for reference and should not be used on the official website. The user can customize the preload file to the source code. The path containing the preload file can be set using the opcache.preload option in PHP version 7.4. This will serve as a call to or management of the source code files that should always be available. When the server starts, save OPcache.

Opcache Preload can be used for any source code. So it is easy to use WordPress with OPcache preload. Let us go through an example to understand the process easily. If a user wants to use this function, we must first create a preload.php file in the website’s root directory. It should be on the same level as the wp-config.php file, the content of which is as follows:

$preload_patterns = [
foreach ($preload_patterns as $pattern) {
$files = glob($pattern);
foreach ($files as $file) {

The above code will make calls to the entire.php file in the website’s root directory as well as the files in the wp-includes directory. After this,  go to Terminal in cPanel and type the following command:

nano /opt/alt/php74/link/conf/alt_php.ini

And, at the end of the file, insert the following:

opcache.preload = /home/$username/public_html/preload.php

The user must change the path to the preload.php file correctly. The users must change their change $username to their host or can be viewed in cPanel.

How to install Opcache Preload and SSD Hosting?

After the completion of all of the processes mentioned earlier click Ctrl + O to save. To see if PHP has the preload.php file set up, run the following command in Terminal:

php -i | grep opcache.preload

The following outcomes are considered successful:

opcache.preload => /home/blogazdigi/public_html/preload.php => /home/blogazdigi/public_html/preload.php

opcache.preload_user => no value => no value

That is the final step of setting up the opcache preload for the WordPress source code. It is important to note that the opcache preload example may not work as intended. The user can manually reset the list of PHP files that need to be preloaded according to the needs. For example, WooCommerce websites should preload more WooCommerce plugins.

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To conclude, it is easy to use OPcache preload for WordPress hosting. A user can easily install and manage the OPcache preload for WordPress.


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