Stuck with SolusVM Datastore not found error? We can help you.
Users often see the Datastore not found error in Solusvm while loading the metrics for a node.
As part of our Server Management Services, we assist our customers with several SolusVM queries.
Today, let us discuss how we can resolve this error easily.
What causes SolusVM Datastore not found error?
- Corrupted package: svmmodule-hypervisor-metrics on affected SolusVM slave node.
- Version mismatch: If RPM package svmmodule-hypervisor-metrics has updated to version 1.0.2 separately from SolusVM and it requires latest SolusVM version to work properly.
How to resolve SolusVM Datastore not found error?
Let us see the symptoms of the error and their resolutions given by our Support Techs.
Corrupted package
Some of the symptoms are as shown below:
- Firstly, metrics are not loaded in SolusVM > Nodes > Metrics for the required node:
Datastore not found
- Then, file /usr/local/solusvm/Modules/HypervisorMetrics/Hypervisor is missing from affected SolusVM node:
ls -l /usr/local/solusvm/Modules/HypervisorMetrics/Hypervisor
ls: cannot access /usr/local/solusvm/Modules/HypervisorMetrics/Hypervisor: No such file or directory
- Firstly, connect to the affected slave node over SSH.
- Then, reinstall the package:
# yum reinstall svmmodule-hypervisor-metrics -y
Version mismatch
After OS system updates performed on the node – yum update, metrics on page Dashboard > Nodes > node_name > Metrics failed to load:
Datastore not found. Is the hypervisor metrics module installed? It can take 10 minutes for graphs to start to show after installation.
To install the module manually run the following in SSH on the hypervisor:
sh /scripts/install-metrics-module
Follow the below steps to resolve this error.
- Firstly, access SolusVM web interface
- Then, browse to Tools > Updates and update SolusVM to its latest version (mainline >= 1.25.03, stable >= 1.24.19)
[Need help to fix SolusVM error? We are here for you]
In short, users often see this error in Solusvm while loading the metrics for a node. Today, we saw the steps followed by our Support Techs to resolve it.