
Server to server transfer of all accounts in DirectAdmin

by | Sep 10, 2021

Wondering how to perform server to server transfer of all accounts in DirectAdmin? We can help you.

As part of our Server Management Services, we assist our customers with several DirectAdmin queries.

Today, let us discuss the steps to perform the task.



How to perform server to server transfer of all accounts in DirectAdmin?

DirectAdmin is one among the popular control panel in the web-hosting industry with its default port 2222.

Today, let us see the steps followed by our Support Techs to perform this task.



Firstly, you’ll need to install DA on the new server.

Create another license in your Client Account.

Once create, contact to activate the license for a short period of time while you do the transfer.

Install DirectAdmin on the new server as a default install. Goto step 2.

Once the transfer is complete, email again to delete that license, and to put the new IP into the old license.

Once that’s set, then update your new server to use the old license



For each IP that you are using on the old server, you’ll need to add new IP’s to the new server.

Plan out which IP’s will match up. Go to Admin Panel -> IP Manager on the new server, and add all of the IP’s.

You can change the IP assignment of the user when doing the transfer.

You can add users to owned IP’s if they were shared on the old server.



For each Admin/Reseller account on the old system, they will have to create through DA the usual way on the new system.

If the User backup files of the Reseller/Admin (their personal user files) were just restore, their account would create as a user.

This is why their account needs to first create.

Once each Reseller/Admin are create, go to Admin Panel -> IP Manager and assign each one whichever IP’s they’ll need to use.



On the old server, for each Admin/Reseller, login as them, and go to their Reseller Panel -> Manage User Backups.

Select all accounts, and make a local backup of those accounts.

We recommend doing a local backup and then transferring the files over to the new server by hand.

You can try to use the ftp feature to upload to the same Admin Reseller on the new server, but you’ll have to make sure the firewalls are setup correctly first.

When uploading the backup files to the new server, place them in /home/reseller/user_backups.

Where reseller is the name of the admin/reseller who owns those accounts (including his own personal file).

Make sure that the user_backups directory is owned by that admin/reseller and that the backup files in that directory are chmod to 755.

The newer alternative for the Reseller Level Backups is Admin Level -> Admin Backups/Transfers.

It’s essentially the same thing, except the file naming is slightly different and it can all done from one screen.

And you can skip step 6 as Reseller Level settings are included in this system.

Restore the Admins and Resellers first. (Admin Backups/Transfers also creates Reseller *as* Resellers, not users, so there is no need to create an empty template account first, the restore does it all for you).



On the new server, for each Admin/Reseller, login and go to Reseller Panel -> Manage User backups.

For all accounts shown in the list, restore them. If you are assigning different users to different IP addresses, you’ll have to do 1 restore per IP with which ever user(s) you are restoring.

If you are restoring 1 user to his own shared IP, he’ll have to restore by himself without any other users.

Repeat the restore process for all users until complete.

When restoring Admin/Reseller user accounts, the IP selection doesn’t matter as their user account is already create.



The restore process for Reseller Level settings will have to copy manually.

To copy the Reseller’s pacakges over, copy the contents of /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/reseller/packages/* and /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/reseller/packages.list over to the new server with the same settings.

The reseller will also have to setup any nameserver settings again.

So make sure that the default nameservers are set in the Reseller Panel -> Nameservers before restoring the users.


[Need help with DirectAdmin? Feel free to contact us anytime]



Today, we discussed aboutserver to server transfer of all accounts in DirectAdmin and how our Support Techs perform it.


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