
Magento 2 DB Schema Auto Increment

by | Jun 30, 2023

Let us learn more on magento 2 db schema auto increment with the support of our Magento support services at Bobcares.

DB schema auto increment in Magento 2

Magento 2 DB Schema Auto Increment

The term “db schema auto increment” refers to the process of automatically incrementing values. This is, in a database column, primarily for primary keys. An auto-increment column creates a unique value for each new record added to a table.

To ensure the identity of each entry, the primary key columns of database tables in Magento 2 often employ auto-increment capabilities. When a new row is added to a table, the auto-increment column is automatically given a value one higher than the column’s previous highest value.

Magento 2 uses auto-increment to guarantee that each entry in a table has a unique identifier, eliminating the need for human assignment. This makes putting new data into the database easier and helps to preserve data integrity.

Using Magento 2, get the Auto Increment Field from a table.

As a best coding practice, we may retrieve the Auto Increment Field from a database table using Magento 2. To retrieve the auto-increment field from the table, we must use getAutoIncrementField().

Output: If an auto-increment field is available, returns the field name; otherwise, returns false.

namespace Path\To\Class;
use Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection;
class AutoIncrementField {
const ORDER_TABLE = 'sales_order';
* @var ResourceConnection
private $resourceConnection;
public function __construct(
ResourceConnection $resourceConnection
) {
$this->resourceConnection = $resourceConnection;
* get AutoIncremntFieldName using Query
* @return string|bool
public function getAutoIncremntFieldName()
$connection = $this->resourceConnection->getConnection();

$tableName = $connection->getTableName(self::ORDER_TABLE);

$getFieldName = $connection->getAutoIncrementField($tableName);

To examine the sales_order table for the auto_increment field name, we may use the $this-getAutoIncremntFieldName() method.

Here the output is entity_id

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To sum we have now seen more on magento 2 db schema auto increment with the support of our tech support team.


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