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Xenforo LiteSpeed Cache Plugin
If you are looking for more information about the LiteSpeed Cache Add-on for XenForo, you have come to the right place. It is a PHP-based add-on that interacts with our installation of LiteSpeed Web Server and its built-in page cache, LSCache.
Since LSCache is built directly into LSWS, overhead is reduced. Additionally, caching can be done more efficiently than with other PHP-based caches.
According to our experts, LiteSpeed’s XF 1.x cache add-on allows us to boost the speed of our forum pages.
After all, in today’s fast-paced world, nobody has the time to spend time on a slow-loading website.
Some of the additional Plugin features include reduced server load and improved site performance via automatic page caching. It also offers support for HTTPS, HTTP/2, & QUIC out-of-box.
Here are some features offered by LiteSpeed Cache for XenForo to improve the overall performance of XenForo-based forums:
- The plugin generates static HTML copies of dynamic XenForo pages and stores them in the server’s cache. This reduces the processing time required to generate the page dynamically.
- Certain parts of XenForo pages, like user-specific content or recent forum activity, are typically dynamic and unique for each user.
- LiteSpeed Cache optimizes the caching of frequently accessed objects, like database queries or template renderings, to minimize the processing overhead and improve response times.
- The plugin can automatically optimize and compress images used in XenForo.
- LiteSpeed Cache configures the necessary headers to instruct the user’s browser to cache static resources, like CSS, JavaScript files, and images.
- It offers options to manage the cache, including clearing the cache for specific pages or sections, purging individual objects from the cache, and controlling the cache expiration rules.
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In brief, our Support Techs introduced us to the Xenforo LiteSpeed Cache plugin and its many features.
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