Looking forward to resolve ‘cf SSH Handshake Failed’ error? We can help you in fixing it.
cf SSH Handshake Failed occurs when the user does not have the permission to access the application with cf ssh.
At Bobcares, we often receive requests to fix the SSH Handshake Failed error as a part of our Server Management Services.
Today, let’s see the causes the cf Handshake failed to occur and how our Support Engineers fix it.
Explore more about cf SSH
The cf SSH is the Cloud Foundry Secure Shell. Cloud Foundry, which is an open-source and multi-cloud application platform.
The SSH(Secure Shell) is a protocol used in networking for operating services over an unsecured network.
The Cloud Foundry provides the SSH to connecting the applications running on Cloud Foundry. Also, it helps to manage the bound backing service instances.
How to fix cf Handshake Failed Error?
Recently one of our customers contacted us with the cf SSH Handshake Failed error. Let’s discuss how our Support Engineers resolve the cf Handshake failed error for our customers.
The error occurs when the user does not have permission to access the application with cf ssh.
To fix the error we check that SSH access is enabled or not for the application. We check the SSH access by the following command.
cf ssh-enabled <app-name>
If the application doesn’t have the SSH enabled in it then we enable it by running the command
cf enable-ssh <app_name>
We make sure that the user has space to access the application. SSH enables the space that is accessed, and we confirm the space with the following command.
cf space-ssh-allowed <space-name>
And in case the SSH is not allowed in the space then we enable it by running the command
cf allow-space-ssh <space_name>
This way we fix the error for our customers.
Also, please note that we need at least version 6.13 of the cf CLI to use the cf ssh related features.
Need any more assistance in SSH cf Handshake Failed Error? – We can help you]
In short, cf Handshake failed in SSH occurs when the user does not have the permission to access the application with cf ssh. Also, we’ve discussed how our Support Engineers fix the error for our customers.