
Google Cloud SQL : ERROR_RDBMS system error occurred – How to fix

by | Jul 7, 2021

Wondering how to fix Google Cloud SQL : ERROR_RDBMS system error occurred? We can help you!

Often our customers using Google cloud SQL report to us that they get the error “[ERROR_RDBMS] system error occurred”.

Here at Bobcares, we handle requests from our customers to fix similar errors as a part of our Server Management Services.

Today let’s see how our Support Engineers fix this issue for our customers.

How to fix Google Cloud SQL [ERROR_RDBMS] system error occurred

A typical error message looks like the one given below:

[ERROR_RDBMS] system error occurred


1. The user might not have all the Cloud Storage permissions it needs.

2. The database table might not exist.

When we use an account to connect to a Cloud SQL instance. However, the account must have the Cloud SQL > Client role that includes the permissions required for connecting.

Cloud SQL roles and permissions with Cloud Storage

The import and export features in Cloud SQL work together. Exports write to Cloud Storage and imports read from there.

For this reason, the service account you use for these operations needs both read and write permissions to Cloud Storage:

1. To import data to, and export data from, Cloud Storage, the Cloud SQL instance’s service account must have the storage.objectAdmin IAM role set in the project.

We can find the instance’s service account name in the Google Cloud Console on the Overview page.

2. Furthermore we can use the “gsutil iam” command to grant this IAM role to the service account for the bucket.

Steps to fix this error

1.Firstly, we need to check whether we have at least WRITER permissions on the bucket and READER permissions on the export file.

2.Then we have to ensure the table exists.

3. If the table exists, we must confirm that whether it has correct permissions on the storage bucket.

[Need assistance? We can help you]


To conclude, we saw the steps that our Support Techs follow to fix Google Cloud SQL error “ERROR_RDBMS system error occurred” for our customers.


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