
How to set up NGINX RTMP Docker

by | May 30, 2023

Learn how to set up NGINX RTMP Docker from our experts. Our Nginx Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns.

How to set up NGINX RTMP Docker

Nginx RTMP Docker image is the most recent version of either Ubuntu x64 or Debian’s nginx/ffmpeg base OS and includes every configuration created for setting up a streaming server.

Furthermore, the docker image is unlocked and includes pre-made bash scripts. This makes running our streaming server easier. Docker also provides better performance while using fewer resources.

How to set up NGINX RTMP Docker

By using NGINX RTMP Docker, we can easily deploy a containerized NGINX server with the RTMP module preconfigured. Docker allows us to package applications and their dependencies into lightweight containers, resulting in a consistent and isolated environment for running applications.

  1. First, we have to run the following command to install Docker on Linux.

    curl -fsSL -o
    sudo sh

  2. Then, we have to install Docker Compose on Linux with these commands:

    sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

  3. Now, it is time to download the container and create it via docker-compose.
    1. First, we have to create a new Directory.

      mkdir nginx-rtmp

    2. Then, create a Docker Compose file under the new directory we created in the previous step.
    3. Next, change the as seen below:

      cd nginx-rtmp

    4. Now, we have to create a file called docker compose.

      nano docker-compose.yml

    5. At this point, we have to add the following code to the file for the Ubuntu OS container:

      version: "3.8"
      image: murderousone/nginx-ffmpeg-rtmp:ubuntu-latest
      - nginxconfig:/usr/local/nginx/conf/
      container_name: m1gc-nginx-rtmp-server
      restart: unless-stopped
      stdin_open: true
      tty: true
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - "1935:1935"< volumes: nginxconfig: /codE>

  4. Next, we have to update the container with Docker Compose by pulling the most recent image or update.
  5. Then create, launch, restart, and update the container.

    docker-compose up -d

  6. After that, run this command to stop the containers and remove networks, images, and containers:

    docker-compose down


How to List and Delete Volumes

Did you know that any configuration changes made to the container will not be deleted when docker compose re-creates the docker container? Volumes are optional, but will back up our container nginx changes and require a volume delete to reset to defaults.

We can use the command to list the Docker Volumes.

docker volume ls

Additionally, we can delete the docker volumes

docker volume rm volume_name volume_name

Furthermore, we can run the scripts without attaching from outside the container via Docker Exec as seen here:

docker exec nginx-rtmp-server ./restart-rtmp

We can also update the NGINX/RTMP Docker Container’s server packages, with this command,

Here are a few commands to manage the RTMP server:

  • Start the RTMP Server


  • Stop the RTMP Server


  • Restart the RTMP Server


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To conclude, our Support Techs deomisntrated how to set up NGINX RTMP Docker.


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