Wondering how to report Not Spam in SpamExperts? We can help you.
At times SpamExperts marks legit emails as Spam. However, we have an option in SpamExperts to report them as ‘not spam’.
Here at Bobcares, we handle requests from our customers to fix similar issues as a part of our Server Management Services. Today we will see how our Support Engineers fix this for our customers.
How To Report Not-Spam in SpamExperts
We will see the steps that our Support Engineers follow to mark legit emails as Not-Spam in SpamExpert.
1. First, enter SpamExperts dashboard via the client area.
2. Then go to Incoming in the dashboard.
3. From there select ‘Report not Spam‘
4. Since it has a ‘drag and drop‘ style feature, we can report the not-Spam email to the system by grabbing/ dragging and dropping the email into the ‘Report not Spam’ area.
Next, we will see how to check incoming mail logs in SpamExperts.
Steps to Check Incoming Mail Logs in SpamExperts
Following are the steps to check incoming mail logs:
1. First, enter the SpamExperts dashboard via the client area.
2. Then click on the ‘Log Search’ icon under ‘Incoming’ sessions.
3. We can either add the ‘Sender’ email or ‘Recipient’ email under the search column.
4. After providing the email-id we can click on Start Search.
Next, we will see how to release false positive incoming mail from the SpamExperts quarantine system.
How to Release False Positive Quarantine Email In SpamExperts
1. First, enter the SpamExperts dashboard via the client area.
2. Then go to recent quarantine incoming mail.
3. From here we can find the false-positive quarantine email.
4. Now click on the drop-down selection of the email available.
5. Here we can select the ‘Release’ option and it will deliver by the system to the intended recipient in a second.
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In short, we saw how our Support Techs report Not Spam in SpamExperts.