Wondering how to reset password On OnApp? We can help you.
As part of our Server Virtualization Technologies and Services, we assist our customers with several OnApp queries.
Today, let us see how we can Reset password.
How to reset password on OnApp?
Today, let us see how our Support Techs reset admin and control panel password.
Admin password reset
- Firstly, log in to OnApp Cloud Control Panel using SSH:
ssh root@your.hostname
- Then, go to the directory where your Control Panel is installed:
cd /onapp/interface
- To generate a random password, run the following rake task:
RAILS_ENV=production rake onapp:password[admin_login]
- To set a predefined password, run below command:
RAILS_ENV=production rake onapp:password[admin_login,new_password]
Make sure there are no spaces in brackets.
Upon success, you will get a “Password successfully changed to ‘new_password’” message.
If the operation could not complete, you will get the list of errors.
Please go through the examples below:
# rake onapp:password[onappsupport]
[2017-07-16 14:41:45 -0400] Password successfully changed to 'CyYEkRSbOio1'
# rake onapp:password[onappsupport,6ka1ljm2mm4gy7tws5f3]
[2017-07-16 14:45:28 -0400] Password successfully changed to '6ka1ljm2mm4gy7tws5f3'
Reset Control Panel Administrator Password
Let us see how our Support Techs reset control Panel password.
To generate a new password for an administrator user:
- Firstly, log in to your OnApp Cloud Control Panel using SSH:
ssh root@your.hostname
- Then, go to the directory where your Control Panel is install:
cd /onapp/interface
- To set a predefined password, run the below command:
RAILS_ENV=production rake onapp:password[admin,new_password]
[Need further help with OnApp? We are here for you]
In short, today we saw how our Support Techs reset Password on OnApp.