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cURL error 3 url malformed : How we fix it
Stuck with cURL error 3 URL malformed message on your website? We can help you. The error usually occurs due to incorrect URL usage or version mismatch between cURL and the underlying application. At Bobcares, we often get requests to fix cURL errors, as a part of our...
DigitalOcean high CPU usage – How we identify and fix it
DigitalOcean high CPU usage can be a nightmare for Droplet owners. Usually, high CPU usage happens due to faulty processes, wrong configuration or even a lack of server resources. The real challenge lies in finding the exact process that makes the CPU usage high. At...
LFD SYSLOG Check Failed – How to resolve it
Are you receiving too many LFD SYSLOG check failed messages from your server? Login Failure Daemon aka LFD is a server security mechanism that triggers email alerts during attacks. However, LFD can fail when there is a problem in reading the underlying log files. At...
Clamscan high CPU usage – 3 steps to make it right
Clamscan high CPU usage is affecting my server performance and user experience. Is there something that we can do? That was a recent request in our Server Management Services HelpDesk. Clamscan is a tool that scans files and folders in the server for viruses. However,...
How to install UFW on Ubuntu 18.04? – An Uncomplicated Firewall
Looking for a guide on how to install UFW on a Ubuntu 18.04 server? We can help you. Uncomplicated Firewall or UFW provides an interface to manage the iptables firewall easily. A firewall protects the server and the interconnected network from the dangers that exist...
413 request entity too large error – Nail it easily!
Is your website showing a 413 request entity too large error? We are here to help you. The 413 error simply means that the browser request was too large for the webserver to process. Again, the fix for 413 request entity too large error involves modifying the size of...
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Maldet Scan – Remove malicious files instantly!
Oops!! Frustrated with malicious files on your website? We can easily find it by Maldet Scan. The Maldet is a malware detector that effectively detects and cleans malicious files. Periodic scanning of website content comes as a major security practice. At Bobcares, we...
How to enable slow query log in MySQL : Top 2 ways
Looking on how to enable slow query log in MySQL? Users often enable this to analyze the performance of web applications and databases easily. The slow query log is a record of SQL queries that takes a long time to execute. At Bobcares, we often get requests from our...
Redis flush command – Clear cache quickly
Confused with the Redis flush command? We'll help you with it. Usually, we use the flush command to delete all the keys in the Redis cache of web app. At Bobcares, we often receive queries regarding Redis as part of our Server Management Services. Today, let us...
Error 523 Origin Is Unreachable – Fix it now!
Oops!! Frustrated with error 523 origin is unreachable? We can help you. Error 523 in Cloudflare indicates that there is something wrong in the origin web server and it has become unreachable. At Bobcares, we often get requests to fix Cloudflare errors, as a part of...
DigitalOcean Live Snapshot – Get rid of backup downtime
Have no clue on how to take a live snapshot of your droplet in DigitalOcean? We can help you with it. Many times Droplet owners cannot afford downtime for taking backup. DigitalOcean snapshot creates on-demand disk images of droplets and volumes saved to account. At...
Synchronize SmarterMail with Outlook in 3 simple steps
Are you looking for the steps to synchronize SmarterMail with Outlook? This sync process easily replicates the changes in SmarterMail to email applications like Microsoft Outlook. At Bobcares, we often receive requests regarding Smartermail as a part of our Server...