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Cloudflare API Flush Cache | How To?
Read the article to know more about the features of Flush Cache with Cloudflare API. At Bobcares, with our Server Management Service, we can handle your issues. Flush Cache in Cloudflare API When we make updates or settings changes to the website, we may want those...
DirectAdmin Update CustomBuild | Update Manager
The CustomBuild in DirectAdmin updates services like Apache, PHP, and MySQL from a central place. As part of our DirectAdmin Support Services, Bobcares provides answers to all of your questions. Update DirectAdmin with CustomBuild "Custombuild" is the name of...
Docker Prune Volumes | More About
How to prune volumes in Docker? Let's see the details in this article. Bobcares, as a part of our Docker Hosting Support Service offers solutions to every query that comes our way. How to Prune Volumes in Docker? Pruning volumes in Docker is an essential operation to...
Drupal Views_Data_Export | Beginners Guide
Site administrators can export data from Drupal views in a number of forms, including CSV, Excel, XML, JSON, and others, by using the module, Views_Data_Export in Drupal. At Bobcares, with our Drupal Software Development, we can handle your issues. Views_Data_Export...
S3FS DigitalOcean Spaces | An Introduction
Let's look into the details of using s3fs in DigitalOcean Spaces. Bobcares, as a part of our DigitalOcean Managed Service offers solutions to every query that comes our way. How to use s3fs in DigitalOcean Spaces? With the help of the FUSE tool s3fs, we can mount...
UX in Drupal Website Development
In Drupal website development, putting User Experience (UX) first is crucial. UX is about making user interactions smooth and intuitive, covering navigation, personalization, and performance. Designers plan user journeys to match what users want with how the site...
Add PHP Pear DigitalOcean: How to?
Let us take a closer look at how to add PHP pear DigitalOcean with the support of our DigitalOcean-managed services at Bobcares. PHP Extension and Application Repository, or PEAR The PHP Extension and Application Repository, or PEAR, is a PHP software code repository....
Cloudflare DNS Flush: Explained
Let us take a closer look at the Cloudflare DNS flush and configurations required to set up with the support of our Server management support services at Bobcares. An Introduction to DNS Caching In order to understand why we may need to flush the DNS cache, there are...
14421 error in SQL server: Fix and Troubleshooting Steps
Let us examine the error 14421 error in SQL server in detail. At Bobcares our MSSQL support services can give you a detailed note on the reasons causing the error and the Troubleshooting steps to resolve the error easily. Causes for 14421 error in SQL server Error:...
Accelerating VMware automation using Ansible: A detailed note
Let us take a closer look at Accelerating VMware Automation using Ansible and how to set it up with the support of our Server management support services at Bobcares. Introduction to Ansible Ansible Playbooks are easy automation languages for describing the...
Allow ahref On Cloudflare | A Simple Solution
Allow ahref on Cloudflare with the simple steps in this article. At Bobcares, with our Server Management Services, we can handle your Cloudflare issues. How to allow ahref on Cloudflare? Cloudflare by default allows bots like AhrefsBot. In fact, Ahrefs is on...
Clear PHP OPcache Without Restarting PHP-FPM | With CacheTool
Let's see how to clear PHP OPcache without restarting PHP-FPM in this article. At Bobcares, with our Server Management Services, we can handle your server issues. How to clear PHP OPcache without restarting PHP-FPM? We can now easily clear the PHP Opcache without...
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Nginx and Gunicorn in Same Container | Setup Guide
Learn how to set up Nginx and Gunicorn in same container. Our Nginx Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. Nginx and Gunicorn in the same container | Setup Guide Today, we are going to take a look at integrating Gunicorn and Nginx within a...
Openshift Vs. Kubernetes: What is the Difference?
It is always better to take a closer look at Openshift Vs. Kubernetes to choose from the best. OpenShift by Red Hat is a commercial container orchestration suite, while Kubernetes is an open-source project. Both facilitate large-scale application development....
DevSecOps Tools and Stages | A Note
Devsecops Tools are becoming a beacon for modern age security. Security breaches have been on the rise, with a 15% increase. This has made organizations realize the importance of a security focused approach. To deal with the predicted rise in cyber threats, businesses...
Docker Mailhog Sendmail | Set Up Guide
Learn how to set up Docker Mailhog & Sendmail. Our Sendmail Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. Docker Mailhog Sendmail | Set Up Guide MailHog is a popular open-source email testing tool. It lets developers test the web app’s...
Benefits of Azure DevOps
There are many benefits of Azure DevOps. DevOps is all about bringing development and operations teams closer together. It involves a range of activities such as building, validating, developing, testing, and deploying software. By doing this, it creates a...
BCD Error Windows 0xc0000098 | Troubleshooting Tips
Learn how to resolve the BCD error windows 0xc0000098. Our Windows Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. BCD Error Windows 0xc0000098 | Troubleshooting Tips If you have been running into the Windows Boot Error 0xc0000098 message, you have...