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pfSense HAProxy Authentication | Tutorial Note
Read this article to know a simple method to enable pfSense HAProxy Authentication. Bobcares, as a part of our pfSense Support offers solutions to every query that comes our way. Steps for pfSense HAProxy Authentication Step 1: Make Custom Password Encryption Make a...
Linode UniFi Controller | Installation Guide
Let's discuss more on UniFi Controller On Linode in this article. At Bobcares, with our Linode Managed Services, we can handle your Linode issues. UniFi Controller On Linode UniFi controller is a software program that can be installed on Linux, Mac, or Windows or run...
AWS AMI Creation Pending | Resolved
Are you seeing an AWS AMI Creation Pending Status? Let's read the article to know more. Bobcares, as a part of our AWS Support Services offers solutions to every query that comes our way. What Is AWS AMI Creation Pending Status? When we create an Amazon Machine Image...
Fake Sendmail XAMPP | Setup Tutorial
Fake Sendmail in XAMPP is a tool that can be used in place of the Sendmail software itself. We at Bobcares can take care of your XAMPP issues with our Server Management Services. What is fake Sendmail in XAMPP? A small application called Fake Sendmail serves as...
Bitnami WordPress AWS AMI | More About
Set Up WordPress on AWS EC2 with Bitnami’s AMI easily with this article. At Bobcares, with our WordPress Support Services, we can handle your Bitnami WordPress AWS AMI issues. WordPress on AWS EC2 with Bitnami’s AMI Bitnami WordPress AWS AMI is a virtual machine image...
Apache NiFi vs Airflow vs Beam | A Comparative Study
Read this article to compare Apache NiFi vs Airflow vs Beam. At Bobcares, with our Server Management Services, we can handle your Apache issues. Apache NiFi vs Airflow vs Beam Apache NiFi, Apache Airflow, and Apache Beam are three open-source frameworks that...
SQL Server Memory Allocation Best Practices
Looking for SQL Server Memory Allocation Best Practices? We can help you. An SQL Server is one of the memory-intensive database systems. And the most resource-intensive operations in SQL Server are DISK IO operations. The SQL servers use memory to minimize disk IO...
HTTP Client in Node.js – How to create with Core HTTP
KVM live migration to fix performance issues in a server virtualization solution
Need help with KVM live migration to fix performance? We can help you. VPS providers rapidly adopt high-density server virtualization solutions to achieve maximum economies of scale. We attain this by hosting a maximum number of virtual machines in a physical server....
Malicious TMP processes – How to resolve
Are you dealing with malicious tmp processes? We can help you tackle it. Recently, one of our customers contacted us siting that there was a process showing in CPU stats that consumed around 90%. This was a crypto miner malware and this should be deleted from the...
How to install vnStat in Linux to monitor network traffic
Are you looking for steps to install vnStat in Linux? We can help you with it. Recently, we received a request from one of the customers to install vnStat as he wished to monitor the network traffic. vnStat is a console-based network traffic monitoring tool design for...
Automate WordPress Deployments using Buddy – How to do
Wondering how to Automate WordPress Deployments using Buddy? We can help you. Buddy allows creating delivery pipelines with drag-and-drop actions in a visual GUI. Compared to many other CI/CD tools, Buddy requires less DevOps experience. This GUI leverages...
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Vultr Kali Linux | Set up Guide
Learn more about running Kali Linux on Vultr from our experts. Our Vultr Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. Vultr Kali Linux | Set up Guide Did you know that Kali Linux is a popular Linux distribution designed for penetration testing...
CyberPanel Email Setup Guide
Learn how to setup Email in CyberPanel from our experts. Our CyberPanel Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. CyberPanel Email Setup Guide The CyberPanel email server offers several features like email forwarding, spam mitigation, sending...
Docker Apache Allowoverride All: How To?
Let us learn more about the docker apache allowoverride all with the support of our Docker support services at Bobcares. What is AllowOverride in Apache and Docker? AllowOverride All refers to a configuration option in the Apache web server that permits the use...
Laravel Livewire with WebRTC
Learn more about using Laravel Livewire with WebRTC from our experts. Our Laravel Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. Integrating Laravel Livewire with WebRTC Laravel Livewire can be described as a full-stack framework for building...
OVH Change Nameservers | Guide
Learn how to change nameservers in OVH from our experts. Our OVH Support team is here to help you with your questions and concerns. OVH Change Nameservers | Guide If you are looking for a guide to help you change name servers for a domain registered with OVH, you are...
Apache Airflow EMR Serverless: A Guide On
Let us learn more on apache airflow EMR serverless with the support of our Apache support services team at Bobcares. What is Apache airflow EMR Serverless? The Apache Airflow Elastic MapReduce (EMR) Serverless is an AWS deployment option for Apache Airflow that makes...